Posts tagged prevention
Workers' Compensation for Hearing Loss: What Workers Need to Know

While workers' compensation exists to support those injured on the job, many remain unaware of its applicability to hearing loss.

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What Employees Should Know About Catastrophic Injuries

It is essential for employees to be aware of what catastrophic injuries entail and how to prevent them. Whether you work in a high-risk industry or a seemingly low-risk office environment, understanding the potential dangers and taking necessary precautions can make a significant difference in your safety.

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5 Common Construction Injuries and How to Prevent Them

Construction site accidents are a major problem in the construction industry, with hundreds of thousands of workers suffering from workplace accidents every year. Injuries can range from minor scrapes and bruises to serious life-threatening conditions.

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How an Onsite Physician Can Help Limit Workplace Injuries

On-the-job injuries can be debilitating and costly, both for the individual worker and the company. In order to prevent on-the-job injuries from happening, many companies are turning to onsite physical therapists or physicians to help their employees stay healthy and safe.

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