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Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de parálisis


En una agradable tarde de octubre de 2017, Deena F., iba de pasajera en una camioneta conducida por su compañero de trabajo mientras regresaban de éste. Ambas trabajaban en la pequeña empresa de reformas del hogar de su padre. Mientras la amiga de Deena conducía, un pequeño animal se lanzó a la carretera. Su amiga dio un volantazo para evitar el animal, pero perdió el control del camión. El accidente fue terrible. Denna sufrió una lesión en la médula espinal que le provocó una tetraplejia, y su amiga sufrió múltiples fracturas.

Deena, con el pleno apoyo de su padre, presentó una reclamación de indemnización por accidente laboral. La compañía de seguros denegó la reclamación en virtud de la "regla de ir y venir", una doctrina legal que generalmente excluye la indemnización de los trabajadores cuando un empleado se lesiona mientras va y viene del trabajo. La compañía de seguros también denegó la cobertura de la reclamación, alegando que Deena era un miembro del hogar de su padre, lo que la excluía de la póliza.

Deena acudió a nosotros en busca de ayuda. Aunque nos informó de que se había mudado recientemente de la casa de su padre a la de su compañero de trabajo, había pocas pruebas. No había cambiado su dirección oficial en el Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados y no recibía ningún tipo de correo o factura en su nueva dirección. Para probar su nueva residencia, llamamos a las puertas de los vecinos y preguntamos si alguien había visto a Deena viviendo allí. Afortunadamente, los vecinos de Deena recordaron haberla visto en la casa, y haber visto su camión aparcado en la entrada casi todos los días durante el mes anterior al accidente. Tomamos declaración a estos vecinos, cuyo testimonio resultó muy útil. Nuestra investigación estableció además que los materiales de trabajo estaban siendo transportados en el camión de la compañera de trabajo, un hecho necesario para establecer una excepción a la regla de ir y venir.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de caída catastrófica

1,2 millones de dólares - Más la atención médica futura

Nuestro equipo resolvió el caso de un representante de ventas que se lesionó gravemente por una caída mientras estaba en el sitio de una inspección que era una ocurrencia común para su trabajo en una gran empresa de rociadores. Como parte de su trabajo, se le requirió que revisara un sitio, y mientras caminaba en un andamio precario, pisó lo que pensó que era madera contrachapada sólo para caer más de dos pisos al suelo.

Sufrió lesiones en los pies, las piernas, las costillas, la espalda y el brazo que le obligaron a someterse a múltiples cirugías. El equipo de especialistas en compensación de trabajadores de Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney pudo conseguirle un acuerdo de 1.200.000 dólares que incluía la atención médica futura.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de accidente catastrófico

650.000 dólares de pago a tanto alzado

Nuestro equipo resolvió el caso de un trabajador agrícola migrante que sufrió un accidente catastrófico que lo dejó en estado semivegetativo.

En el juicio, la compañía de seguros trató de argumentar que había abandonado su trabajo y que no debía recibir ni un centavo. Nuestro equipo defendió los intereses del cliente y de su familia y llegó a un acuerdo por un pago único de 650.000 dólares. Aunque no parezca mucho, teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias, el dinero era muy necesario para la familia, que no podía esperar a que el asunto fuera litigado para llegar a fin de mes.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de espalda

600.000 dólares - Más la atención médica futura

El paramédico de American Ambulance sufrió múltiples fracturas de espalda en el trabajo que le dejaron incapacitado para trabajar.

Aunque el cliente fue designado con un 99% de discapacidad, nuestro equipo consiguió 260.000 dólares más que la recompensa máxima estándar (440.000 dólares) para esa calificación de discapacidad.

Workers’ Comp. Falling Object Case

$505,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A power equipment driver was injured while working for a big retail corporation after a 15-20 pound box fell 30 feet onto her head, knocking her unconscious. She also suffered injuries to her head, neck, back, teeth, shoulders, and wrists as well as suffering from headaches, tinnitus, and damage to her psyche. As a result of her injury, she has a lowered range of motion in the affected areas and she has not been able to eat solid food since the incident. With the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney at her side, she was awarded a settlement of $505,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. MVA Case

$484,300 - Plus Future Medical Care

A monitor tech for a medical facility was injured after being hit by a vehicle at her place of work which caused a traumatic brain injury as well as injuries to her arm, hip, and tailbone. She has headaches and loss of hearing as well as pain in the affected areas. With the diligent team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney at her side, she was awarded a settlement of $484,300 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Crushed Hand Case

$381,200 - Plus Future Medical Care

A machine operator and pressman working for a packing company was injured after his fingers were crushed in a rotating cylinder. This resulted in damage to his fingers, hand, and shoulder which required multiple surgeries and skin grafting. After taking on the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney as his counsel, he was awarded a settlement of $381,200 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión grave en la mano

322.620 $ Pago de la suma global

Un comerciante local sufrió una grave lesión en su mano derecha tras ser aplastada, lo que requirió una cirugía inmediata para reparar los tendones y arterias desgarrados. Nuestro equipo de Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney pudo conseguirle una suma de 322.620 dólares.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión múltiple de rodilla

279.694,23 dólares - Más atención médica futura

Un inspector de sistemas eléctricos se lesionó mientras trabajaba para una importante compañía eléctrica. Inicialmente se lesionó la rodilla derecha después de que su pie quedara atrapado en un surco de disco. Posteriormente se lesionó de nuevo al subir a un poste. Esto resultó en un desgarro del menisco que requirió una cirugía total de la rodilla. Los especialistas en compensación de trabajadores de Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney pudieron conseguirle un acuerdo por un total de 279.694,23 dólares, incluyendo la atención médica futura.

Workers’ Comp. Multiple Injury Case

$260,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A carpenter working for a door company was injured on multiple occasions including injury to his lower back, knees, lower extremities and a cumulative trauma injury over the course of his time with the company. Thanks to the staff working at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement amount of $260,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ COmp. Severed Thumb Injury Case

$250,000 Lump Sum

A maintenance technician for a national food company was severely injured after slipping on a stool. In order to catch himself from falling in the machine, he braced himself, but in the process his hand got stuck in the machine and in the process of removing it his thumb was severed. Upon heading to the hospital, he waited hours to be treated resulting in the thumb being amputated. With the help of the workers’ compensation specialists at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney he was able to get a lump sum amount of $250,000.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de espalda

240.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

Un trabajador de control de calidad se lesionó mientras trabajaba para una empresa alimentaria. Mientras recogía cajas, su espalda se lesionó resultando en un nervio pellizcado y un disco degenerativo. El equipo de especialistas en compensación de trabajadores de Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney la ayudó con su caso y la ayudó a obtener un acuerdo de 240.000 dólares, incluyendo la atención médica futura.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de espalda

$230,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A lead foreman working for a steel company was injured after he hurt his back while moving a steel tube roller bar. This resulted in pain in his legs lower back and buttocks. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement amount of $230,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Knee Injury Case

$226,139 Lump sum

A driver for a popular delivery company was injured when he fell down some stairs after his knees gave out. This resulted in severe pain to the bilateral knees and may need total replacement surgery. With the help of the workers’ compensation specialists at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney she was able to receive a lump sum amount of $226,139.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión grave en la mano

$200,000 - Lump Sum

A lead driller for a local drilling company was injured on multiple occasions. The initial injury was to the right hand and fingers after getting caught in a derrick boom. This has resulted in limits to finger mobility and potential nerve damage. The second injury occurred to his dominant left hand, wrist, elbow and psyche as a result of the traumatic incident.

After being sent to a site alone for a job where he was supposed to have a partner, he was injured as a result of the drive clamps not functioning properly. His hand was caught between the drive head and the clamp. He was able to free his hand and eventually came across an ambulance which took him to a hospital where multiple surgeries took place. He was able to get a lump sum amount of $200,000.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión por traumatismo acumulativo

193.554,50 dólares - Más atención médica futura

Nuestro equipo ayudó a resolver un gran caso que involucraba a un trabajador médico que sufrió una lesión por trauma acumulativo mientras trabajaba en un hospital local. Una lesión por trauma acumulativo o CTI es una que ocurre en el transcurso de un período de tiempo más largo en comparación con muchas reclamaciones de compensación de los trabajadores que ocurren sobre la base de un solo incidente. Por lo tanto, estos tipos de lesiones son mucho más difíciles de probar, pero el equipo de Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney sabían que ella tenía un caso y estaban seguros de que obtendrían la compensación que merecía.

El alcance de las lesiones sufridas por la empleada, que había trabajado para la empresa durante varias décadas, incluía daños por esfuerzo repetitivo en ambas muñecas, brazos, hombros, cuello y algunos dedos. También sufría dolores de cabeza como consecuencia de su trabajo. Conseguimos un acuerdo de 193.554,50 dólares, incluyendo los gastos médicos futuros.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión grave en el pie

175.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

Un techador local que trabajaba para una empresa de construcción local se lesionó gravemente los pies y la espalda tras caerse de un tejado en el que estaba trabajando. En un intento de evitar ser golpeado por una carretilla elevadora se movió hacia atrás causando que cayera y se fracturara ambos pies tras el impacto, lo que requirió una cirugía inmediata. Los especialistas en compensación de trabajadores aquí en Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney fueron capaces de conseguirle un acuerdo de 175.000 dólares con atención médica abierta.

Workers’ Comp. Assault Injury Case

$155,622 - Plus Future Medical Care

A resident’s manager for a group home was injured after being attacked by one of the residents. This resulted in injury to her head, face, jaw, neck, arm, spine, lower back, knees, and hips as well as post-concussion syndrome. She has pain in the affected areas as well as trouble sleeping, depressed mood, blurry vision, and ringing in the ears. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, she was awarded a settlement of $155,622.50 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Cumulative Back Injury Case

$150,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A police officer working for a local sheriff's department was injured over the course of his time with the department. This resulted in a cumulative trauma injury to the back from wrestling with inmates and lifting weights as part of the department's weightlifting team. After taking on the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney as his counsel, he was awarded a settlement of $150,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Collision Injury Case

$130,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A truck driver and hauler working for a transport company was injured after a transportation van drove into him causing a collision that resulted in damage to his neck, hand, and thumb as well as stress from the incident. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was awarded a settlement of $130,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Multiple Back Injury Case

$130,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A truck driver working for a waste management service was injured on multiple occasions. The first injury resulted from falling down the stairs of a truck which caused injury to his back. The second injury resulted from pulling a winch and falling 10 feet to the floor which resulted in injury to the back and lower extremities. His symptoms include pain, burning, throbbing, and numbness in the affected areas. After having his case taken on by the attorneys at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was awarded a settlement of $130,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Fall Case

$125,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A teacher/coach for a local school district was injured after he fell running with some students. This resulted in pain in his back and a scrape on his arm. After taking on the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney as his counsel, he was awarded a settlement of $125,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Heavy Lifting and Vehicle Accident Case

$120,132 - Plus Future Medical Care

An operations clerk for a gas and electric company was injured on multiple occasions with the face taking place while lifting boxes. This resulted in pain in the neck and shoulder. Her subsequent injury occurred when she was called in on her day off and while on the way to work, she was broadsided in a motor vehicle accident. This resulted in damage to her shoulder, legs, sternum, neck, and abdomen. After taking on the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney as her counsel, she was awarded a settlement of $120,132 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de resbalón y caída

120.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

Un conductor de autobús de un distrito escolar resultó herido en múltiples ocasiones. Su lesión inicial se produjo al ser atacada por un alumno en el autobús. Se lesionó el codo, el hombro, la espalda, el cuello y el brazo. Una lesión posterior en el coxis, la parte inferior de la espalda y la cadera se produjo al resbalar en los escalones de un autobús que normalmente no maneja. Se le concedieron 120.000 dólares, incluida la atención médica futura.

Workers’ Comp. Knee Injury Case

120.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

An employee working in customer service for a local hardware store was injured while stacking when she heard a pop in her knee. This resulted in injury to her bilateral knees, hip, neck, and head. She had a tear in the knee, walks with a limp, and has pain standing up after sitting for a long period of time. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, she was able to receive a settlement amount of $120,000 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de hombro

$115,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A grounds foreman was injured over his time working for a tree service company. The client suffered cumulative trauma to the shoulders and lower back and over multiple periods that causes sharp pain down the left leg. The workers’ compensation specialists at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney were able to get him a settlement amount totaling $115,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Heat Exhaustion Case

$113,394 - Plus future medical care

A local firefighter was injured while working the Carr fire where he suffered from heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation while climbing up and down the mountains. Working with the team of workers’ compensation specialists at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement of $113,394 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de espalda

$107,500 Lump Sum

An area supervisor for an HVAC company was injured after he missed a step on a ladder and fell. This resulted in injury to the head, neck, shoulder, and back. This has resulted in pain in the affected areas and loss of range of motion. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a lump sum of $107,500.

Workers’ Comp. Repetitive Stress Injury Case

$104,400 - Plus future medical care

A loan officer working for a mortgage company was injured as a result of a repetitive stress injury. This resulted in damage to her right elbow over the course of her time with the company. After having her case taken on by the attorneys at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, she was awarded a settlement of $104,400 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión por traumatismo acumulativo

$101,862 - Plus future medical care

A CHP officer working for the California Highway Patrol suffered from a cumulative trauma injury to his lower back, neck, and hip over his time at her job. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was awarded a settlement of $101,862.50 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Knee and Carpal Tunnel Injury Case

100.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

A landscape laborer working for a landscaping company was injured after stepping into a bob cat vehicle and hearing his knee pop. He also suffered a cumulative trauma injury resulting in carpal tunnel while at the company. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement amount of $100,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Multiple Head Injury Case

$100,000 LUmp sum

A head football coach for a local high school was injured on multiple occasions with the first stemming from a player hitting him in the head at full speed. This resulted in injury to the head, brain, ears, eyes, neck, and legs. The second injury resulted from being elbowed in the head by two other coaches. This resulted in injury to the head, brain, neck, ears eyes, and legs. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a lump sum in the amount of $100,000.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de hombro

100.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

Una cocinera de un centro de convenciones estaba sacando una caja de patatas fritas y sintió un fuerte dolor en el hombro. También experimentó dolor en el brazo y el cuello como resultado. El equipo de especialistas en compensación de trabajadores de Cole Fisher, Cole O'Keefe y Mahoney pudo conseguirle un acuerdo de 100.000 dólares, incluyendo la atención médica futura.

Workers’ Comp. Lower Back Injury Case

100.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

A general laborer working for a construction and engineering company was injured after lifting heavy objects. There were multiple incidents and both resulted in injuries to the back, lower extremities and resulted in headaches due to numbness and clotting in the legs. He was awarded a settlement amount of $100,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Car Accident Injury Case

100.000 dólares - Más atención médica futura

An irrigator for a local labor company was injured when involved in a car accident while on the job. This resulted in severe injury to the neck, chest, back, head, and brain. He was taken to the hospital immediately following the incident and has pain and difficulty with memory. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney he was able to receive a settlement amount of $100,000 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de espalda

$97,947 - Plus Future Medical Care

An industrial laborer working for a local industrial company was injured after lifting heavy buckets of mud, resulting in his back injury. This caused pain in the affected area, numbness in the leg and not being able to sit or stand for long periods. With the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney at his side, he was awarded a settlement of $97,947 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión por traumatismo acumulativo

$95,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A machine operator for a food production company suffered a cumulative trauma injury over the course of her many decades with the company. This resulted in injury to her shoulder, knees, and spine. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, she was awarded a settlement of $95,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Case

$92,582.50 - Plus Future Medical Care

An equipment operator for a transportation firm was injured in a motor vehicle accident which resulted in injuries to his back, neck, and arms. He has pain in the affected areas, sciatica, and numbness. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was awarded a settlement amount of $92,582.50 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de hombro

$90,262 - Plus Future Medical Care

A tech driver for a broadcasting company was injured after falling off a 14-foot ladder, landing on his side. This resulted in injury to his bilateral shoulders. He has a lack of range of motion, pain, and weakness in the affected areas. After taking on the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney as his counsel, he was awarded a settlement of $90,262 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Repetitive Stress Injury Case

$85,000 - Lump SUm

A production worker for a window manufacturing company was injured over time through the course of her work with the company. She suffered injuries to her left shoulder which required physical therapy. She received a lump sum amount of $85,000.

Workers’ Comp. Spine and Shoulder Injury Case

$80,000 - Plus Future Medical Care

A truck driver for a fuel supplier was injured after falling off a 25-foot ladder resulting in injury to his spine and shoulder. He had multiple surgeries related to the injury and was also diagnosed with diabetes which may have stemmed from his weight gain from his inability to perform physical activities. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement amount of $80,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Cumulative Trauma Injury Case

$75,247.91 - Plus future medical care

Over the course of their time as a local administrative tech, the client suffered from a cumulative trauma injury to the hands, elbows, a shoulder and some fingers. Her work involved repetitive data compiling and collecting as well as other administrative tasks. She was able to receive a settlement amount totaling $75,247.91 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Cumulative Trauma Injury Case

$75,000 - Plus future medical care

A milk container filler for a local dairy producer suffered a Cumulative Trauma injury over the course of his time at the company that resulted in an injury to his bilateral knees. This resulted in surgery in both knees as well as muscle weakening in the affected areas. He was able to receive a settlement in the amount of $75,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Back Injury Case

$75,000 - Plus future medical care

A cafeteria food prepper for a school was injured after lifting a case of milk when she heard a pop in her back and felt pain in the affected area. This has resulted in pain radiating down to the knee and other parts of the body as a tight feeling and spasms in the affected area. After taking on the team of Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney as her counsel, she was awarded a settlement of $75,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Back and Hip Injury Case

$75,000 - Plus future medical care

A baker working for a bakery was injured after lifting a large container of dough which resulted in pain in his back and hips. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was awarded a settlement of $75,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp hand Injury Case

$75,000 - Plus future medical care

A wellness ambassador/pharmacy technician working for a supermarket chain was injured after a grouping of tables fell onto her hand resulting in injury to her hand and wrist. This has resulted in swelling, pain, and the use of a brace in the affected area. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, she was awarded a settlement in the amount of $75,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Shoulder Injury Case

$75,000 - Plus future medical care

An electrician working for an electric company was injured after picking up a box on the ground that had electrical issues. This resulted in damage to his shoulder including pain and loss of range of motion. He was awarded a  settlement in the amount of $75,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Multiple Injury Case

$75,000 - Lump SUm

A groundsman for a local tree service was injured after multiple incidents. The first involved being struck by a truck that was backing up which caused injury to his head, shoulder, neck and lower back. A subsequent injury to his shoulder, neck and lower back came after a piece of wood struck him while loading a wood chipper. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney he was able to receive a lump sum amount of $75,000.

Workers’ Comp Knee & Back Injury Case

$70,000 - Plus future medical care

A county counsel for a local county was injured after falling some stairs. Her fall resulted in injuries to the bilateral knees and her low back. She had pain, bulging disks and radiation pain down her legs and had surgery on both knees after the incident. With the help of the workers’ compensation specialists at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney she was able to get a settlement amount of $70,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Back & Knee Injury Case

$70,000 - Plus future medical care

A food service worker for a local outdoor company was injured while moving cases of product which resulted in injury to her back and neck. She has radiating pain in the affected areas as well as numbness in the legs. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney she was able to receive a settlement amount of $70,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Hand and Shoulder Case

$66,410 - Plus future medical care

A kindergarten teacher for a local school was injured after her hand, fingers and shoulder was crushed in a door while trying to push it open so it would avoid hitting a student. As a result, she suffers from pain in the affected areas as well as a limited range of motion. Thanks to the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney she was able to receive a settlement amount of $66,410 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Collision Case

$66,410 - Plus future medical care

A bus driver working for a local transit company was injured after he was hit as a result of a collision. This resulted in damage to the neck, shoulder, hand, and fingers. He was awarded a settlement in the amount of $66,410 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp RSI Case

$65,000 - Plus future medical care

A janitor for a nonprofit organization was injured as a result of a repetitive stress injury over her course of time working with the company. This resulted in pain in her shoulders and neck. After having her case taken on by the attorneys at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, she was awarded a settlement of $65,000 including future medical care

Workers’ Comp SLip and Fall Case

$64,227.50 - Lump Sum

A health aide for a local medical center was injured after slipping on ice which resulted in injury to her shoulder, wrist, neck, back, hips, and knees. She still feels pain in her hips and knees. She was awarded a lump sum in the amount of $64,227.50.

Workers’ Comp. Back and Head Injury Case

$62,350 - Plus Future Medical Care

A machinist working for a plastics company was injured after falling off a ladder. This resulted in injury to the spine and head with numerous visits to the E.R. and a potential chance for paralysis. Thanks to the staff working at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement amount of $62,350 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión de espalda

60.320 dólares - Más atención médica futura

A Fresno county probation officer suffered a back injury on the job. He came to our firm with an offer of $16,095 plus open medical award. One year later we’ve recovered 3.7x what the client was initially offered him, plus an open medical award. Though the case should have been concluded within a week, the insurance company felt the need to spend a significant amount of time and money to fight the verdict before admitting defeat.

Workers’ Comp. Lumbar and Thoracic Spine Injury Case

$59,478 - Plus Future Medical Care

A cafeteria worker working for a local school district was injured after lifting a case of pears where she sustained injury to his lumbar and thoracic spine and well as tingling in his legs. He received a settlement in the amount of $59,478 including future medical care.

Compensación a los trabajadores. Caso de lesión por traumatismo acumulativo

$58,854 - Plus Future Medical Care

A torquer for a construction company suffered a cumulative trauma injury over the course of her time working with a torque drill at the company. This resulted in damage to the upper extremities and shoulders. She was awarded a settlement in the amount of $58,854 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Fall and Cumulative Trauma Injury Case

$54,280 - Lump Sum

An office tech working for the department of corrections was injured on multiple occasions over the course of her work with the company. The initial injury resulted from a fall that injured her head, neck, and knees. The subsequent injury was a cumulative trauma injured that resulted in carpal tunnel, cubital tunnel, and depression. She received a lump sum totaling $54,280.

Workers’ Comp. Cumulative trauma Knee Injury Case

$52,200 - Plus future medical care

A psyche tech working for a mental health center suffered a Cumulative Trauma injury during her time at the company that injured her back and bilateral knees. This caused a tear in the knee and subsequent surgery. She was awarded a settlement in the amount of $52,200 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp Shoulder Injury Case

$50,000 - Lump Sum

An installer for an engineering firm was injured after attempting to pull a pump up which resulted in his shoulder popping. This has caused pain in the affected area, loss of motion, and subsequent surgery on the affected area. He was awarded a lump sum payment of $50,000.

Workers’ Comp Knee,Leg, and Shoulder Injury Case

$50,000 - Lump Sum

An underground construction worker for a local engineering contractor was injured after rotating his leg in a hole to prevent machinery from falling. This resulted in injury to his right knee, leg, and shoulder as well as surgery for a torn labrum. He was able to receive a lump sum in the amount of $50,000.

Workers’ Comp. Heart Attack Case

$45,000 - Plus future medical care

An order selector working for a local grocery store was injured while performing his normal physical activities. While at work, he experienced pain in his arm and shoulder but continued to work. At home later the same day, he experienced a heart attack. With the help of the team at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe, and Mahoney, he was able to receive a settlement amount of $45,000 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Knee Injury Case

$42,654 - Plus future medical care

A cashier/clerk for a truck stop was injured on multiple occasions with the first injury resulting from a hit to the knee while stocking items. After providing a written statement about the incident, no file was reported and when later stocking a machine, her knee popped which resulted in severe pain and trouble squatting. With the help of the workers’ compensation specialists at Cole Fisher, Cole O’Keefe and Mahoney he was able to get a settlement amount of $42,654 including future medical care.

Workers’ Comp. Bilateral Knee Injury Case

$42,050 - Plus future medical care

A nurse for a local school district was injured after she mis-stepped and fell resulting in injuries to her left and right knees. Her request for surgery was denied despite her knees feeling worse than before. She was able to receive a settlement amount of $42,050 including future medical care.